Tuesday, March 31, 2009

aw HALE nah!!

I received this email earlier this afternoon:
Dear Emilie,

You submitted an application to the University of Washington for Summer 2009. At that time, the University was not able to offer you admission but referred you to the University of Washington's Evening Degree Program.

[shock. disbelief. bullshit. more bullshit. tears. fears. agony]

Sincerely yours,
Connie Montgomery, Director
Academic Advising
UW Evening Degree Program

two hours later, I received this email:
Dear Emilie,

You recently received a message from the University of Washington Evening Degree Program, signed by Connie Montgomery. Please disregard that message. Due to an error, their message was inadvertently sent to you.

We regret any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused you.

The Office of Admissions
University of Washington Seattle

MOTHERFUCKER! I nearly shit my pants!

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