Sunday, April 19, 2009

you win some, you bruise some

just got back from the Rat City Rollergirls, which was sooooo much fun! I had first heard about roller derby maybe about a year ago, and while I still didn't really know what it was, it sounded ridonkulous, which meant it was right up my alley. After having been to a bout, I kind of get the rules, but not well enough to explain it, so if you're curious, I'd suggest just reading this. Otherwise, in a nutshell, it's a bunch of kickass women kicking ass on roller skates, hoo rah!

tonight's bout had 4 teams competing:

  1. Derby Liberation Front (DLF): rebellion army themed team and defending champions
  2. Grave Danger: the undertakers
  3. Socket Wenches: auto shop themed team and competing in the championship match
  4. Throttle Rockets: galactic
the first half had the Socket Wenches vs. Throttle Rockets. This match determined who would compete in the championship match against DLF, which was the Socket Wenches (boo!), and the second half had DLF against Grave Danger. This match was REALLY good and so close! There were a lot of good competitors, especially Carmen GotSome, who in the very last match, gained her team 15 points, which was only 1 point shy of tying the game! Oh, it was beautiful! DLF won, but just barely.

watching these women really made me want to kick some ass too, haha! It made me want to go to the gym and work out. I actually found out that there's a volunteer group where people can practice & learn about roller derby, so I'm considering checking it out just to try & say I've done it, hee. I think it could be fun to participate in a roller derby match at some point in my life. Hell, there were women there that looked like titas! I would've guessed the skaters' ages ranged from their 20s to their 40s.

and on top of kicking ass on roller skates, I could have an awesome name! Some of the names I liked from tonight's match were Foxy Throwdown, Meg MyDay, Carmen GetSome, Bruise Lee, Georgia O'Grief, Scarlet Leather, Shovey Chase, and Jowanna Ass Kickin', haha. The whole time, Christine and I just kept trying to think of what our roller derby names would be (it was much like thinking about our stripper names & drag queen names, haha). I came up with Blondie Slam for Christine. I thought of a few for myself, but none that I'm really satisfied with... so far, I've got Thunder Thighs, Killetto, and The Killa from Manilla.


  1. Killetto's not bad. How about... Cebu's Gon' Gitchu?


  2. I tried on the briefs, and they're pretty much like bloomers. They're comfy though, I could use them as sleeping shortie shorts.

    I still don't have a name. I was thinking of legal ones. I always thought Malicious Mischief was a funny name for a crime, it's almost like a rollergirl name in itself. Maybe I'll go with Delicious Mischief.

  3. Ooh, if I went with Delicious Mischief, my number would be "3rd Degree."
