Saturday, April 17, 2010


there are a few things that I would like to accomplish, mainly in the realms of food & knitting, so I've been checking out a lot of sources for ideas. I think I'm gonna try to complete something on a monthly basis, which may not sound like much, but trust me, with school and my schedule, this may be a rather ambitious feat. I've already selected my 2 upcoming projects for April:

1) since my nephew is coming, I've only got a month to make him an elephant. I got this pattern from the lovely & amazing Rebecca Danger. My sister-in-law is Thai so I wanted to make an Asian elephant, but I'll have to figure out how to make the ears a little bit smaller and how to add tusks...

2) my other endeavor will be fresh gnocchi made-from-scratch, m
mm! I've made gnocchi before, but it never melted in my mouth, even when I used Chris's ricer to get the right consistency. But then, I found this recipe from smitten kitchen that uses a cheese grater instead of any of those fancy schmancy tools, so of course I'm gonna give it a try! I've also never pan fried my gnocchi, but I've had it at some other places and it's really good. I'm no chef, though, so I just hope these turn out tasty...

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